In recognition of a long, mutually-beneficial relationship, and in light of extraordinary circumstances since the onset of COVID-19, the Delano Loretto Area United Way bestowed a special Community Caring Award on Delano Public Schools last week.
The award recognizes the school district “for being a champion for our communities and students, both in and out of the classroom,” and thanks all district staff for their partnership and service to the community.
Area United Way President Wendy Gilmer and Coordinator Courtney Olson presented the award to school principals and the Community Education director on Wednesday, Jan. 19.
“Obviously the school and our teachers have done a lot in the last two years, and over the decades that they’ve participated with the United Way,” said area United Way President Wendy Gilmer. “So we just felt like this is a really good time to give this recognition. We do lean on the teachers, the social workers, the support staff and the administration to help us identify needs in our community, especially the last couple of years. So it’s clear to the community and it’s clear to the United Way that they’re very deserving of recognition, and we wanted to take the time to do this.”
District staff compete annually to see which buildings can raisethe most funding for the Delano Loretto Area United Way, and United Way reciprocates by aiding the schools in various endeavors.
“Sometimes there are niche needs where the school is trying to find funding, and we’ve been able to partner with the school and provide that funding through the money that comes from school staff in a number of different ways. It goes full circle,” said Olson, citing Chromebook carts and support for the DIS School Store as recent cooperative projects.
Gilmer said the knowledge of school staff when it comes to community needs is invaluable.
“We know that they’re often on the front line for meeting these needs in our community, and certainly among our youth,” she said. “It’s great to have the school as a resource to help direct us where we can be most impactful with our grants.
“We wanted to recognize that and appreciate how they’ve come together for the whole community, not just through their giving or grant requests, but also how they handle themselves and how they contribute of themselves through their jobs and as members of our community.”
On behalf of all school district staff, Delano Superintendent Matt Schoen thanked the local United Way for the honor.
“We always appreciate our local United Way and the role it has played in supporting our schools over the years, but this recognition is particularly meaningful to us as we strive to serve our students in these challenging times,” said Schoen. “The relationship between us is just one example of what makes Delano a strong community, and a place that continues to foster our tradition of educational excellence with each passing year.”